House Prices

House Prices & Home Values Saint Ignatius, MT 2024

Average Data

average house price692688 $
average size per house2816 ft²
average price per ft²247 $ / ft²

The value range (VR) in house prices in Saint Ignatius, MT is 239 $ / sqft to 239 $ / sqft. An average house scaling 2816 sqft costs about 673024 to 673024 USD. There are 1 ZIP codes in Saint Ignatius, MT. The county is called: Lake. Lowest price can be found in ZIP area 59865 and highest in 59865. The average price per sqare feet is 247 US Dollar. We checked 16 property listings to calculate results.

Avergage prices by ZIP codes Saint Ignatius

59865239 $ / ft²

How to sell in Saint Ignatius, MT

150 sqft390 sqft
Ø selling price448.306 $953.668 $
Ø fast selling407.551 $858.301 $
Ø high price sale489.061 $1.049.034 $

In 2024, houses in Saint Ignatius, MT will be offered at an average price of 247 $ per square feet. A 1.500 sqft apartment at 448.306 $ is 23% more expensive than a 3.900 sqft apartment at 953.668 / sqft. The prices called up in Saint Ignatius, MT vary considerably depending on the popular location. For a quick sale, a 2.700 sqft apartment should cost around 660.231 $. Those who have more time can achieve a high selling price of 806.950 $.

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