House Prices

House Prices & Home Values Tucson, AZ 2024

Average Data

average house price353969 $
average size per house1963 ft²
average price per ft²181 $ / ft²

The value range (VR) in house prices in Tucson, AZ is 109 $ / sqft to 264 $ / sqft. An average house scaling 1963 sqft costs about 213967 to 518232 USD. There are 34 ZIP codes in Tucson, AZ. The county is called: Pima. Lowest price can be found in ZIP area 85713 and highest in 85701. The average price per sqare feet is 181 US Dollar. We checked 509 property listings to calculate results.

Avergage prices by ZIP codes Tucson

85701264 $ / ft²
85704188 $ / ft²
85705156 $ / ft²
85706129 $ / ft²
857070 $ / ft²
85708136 $ / ft²
85710139 $ / ft²
85711158 $ / ft²
85712153 $ / ft²
85713109 $ / ft²
85714138 $ / ft²
85715168 $ / ft²
85716204 $ / ft²
85718242 $ / ft²
85719228 $ / ft²
85723155 $ / ft²
857240 $ / ft²
857260 $ / ft²
85730132 $ / ft²
85735110 $ / ft²
85736145 $ / ft²
85737178 $ / ft²
85741141 $ / ft²
85742148 $ / ft²
85743165 $ / ft²
85745136 $ / ft²
857460 $ / ft²
85747140 $ / ft²
85748186 $ / ft²
85749228 $ / ft²
85750250 $ / ft²
85755235 $ / ft²
85756133 $ / ft²
85757137 $ / ft²

How to sell in Tucson, AZ

150 sqft390 sqft
Ø selling price328.515 $698.841 $
Ø fast selling298.650 $628.957 $
Ø high price sale358.380 $768.726 $

In 2024, houses in Tucson, AZ will be offered at an average price of 181 $ per square feet. A 1.500 sqft apartment at 328.515 $ is 23% more expensive than a 3.900 sqft apartment at 698.841 / sqft. The prices called up in Tucson, AZ vary considerably depending on the popular location. For a quick sale, a 2.700 sqft apartment should cost around 483.814 $. Those who have more time can achieve a high selling price of 591.327 $.

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